
If this is not a blessing, I don’t know what is!

It has been 66 days to our co-existence – close to 1584 hours of which we must have surely spent 1000 hours together. 60000 minutes of being around each other.

The mole on your arm; the brownish shade of your eyes that shines weirdly in the light; the milky white skin, nails that are chipped sometimes, three hair under your chin – I seem to know all of these as an extension of my own being.  It is as if they belong to me.

Someone told me once no one can take away the memories. They are mine to keep. But now that I think, it seems wrong. Memories fade and blur and are twisted to suit ones idea of that memory. The mind is weak and overworked - distracted by the pressures of the real world, overwhelmed with constant demands of everyone’s attention. And that is why I write this; to commit things to my memory and I’ll start at the beginning.

It indeed was a momentous day and what drama enfolded! The rush for leaving from home, ensuring the entire luggage was packed, the hurried departure, the driver whose banter wouldn’t stop and the anxiety of committing to a lifetime of a relationship. Thanks to some bags being forgotten in the parking and one car rushing back to fetch those after having travelled a 100 km – I had enough distractions to ensure that I didn’t run away.

I had always wondered if I would ever get married and if I did how would it be? And there I was sitting in the window by the sea all alone thinking this wasn’t far from my imagination. I have always walked alone, fought my own battles and won them too. I have rejoiced alone and been at the depths of emotional chasms alone, impervious of the need of another being. I have stood through on my own all my life and there I was – the superman of my own existence on one of the most important days of my life, all set to let in another person in my world. My mind was a whirl – the heady feeling of pleasure and trepidation. As I stood staring at my own reflection and far in to the horizon, I could see the boy turning in to a man. Life was not going to be the same ever again. An hour later and life has not been same since then.

Last two months have been a roller coaster of a ride – a constant thrill. It has been one of the phases of life when I have been most content and at peace with myself. Without much of an upheaval you have made a place for yourself not only in my life but in the lives of people I love and care about. I have come to respect your dedication and hard work to our families. I feel I do not have to worry about a lot of things in life just knowing that you are around.

I sleep peacefully at night knowing that you are beside me.
If this is not a blessing, I don’t know what is!
