
'When was the last time someone ran their fingers through the knots of your soul.'

I felt like a deer caught in headlights on a desolate highway somewhere high in the mountains. My spirit was soaring above the mundane tasks at hand. Things were around me yet I floated beyond it all, indifference in my mind. Patiently wandering about the high lands, my body in a state of non existence, as if none of it were present. The only reality was my dream. The present, just a state of mind, where I sat, with wonder, pondering over the excitement in my heart.

Could it be, that it was merely your mention that made me feel that way? To forget all that existed only to lose myself in the obvious bliss surrounding you. To imagine your words passing me by, touching my numb cheeks in a fleeting moment. My hands they seemed uselessly lying about in my lap. My mind clouded with your voice.

I'd begun to lose myself in you, I realised in a stumped manner. I whisper out your name with a tormented sigh. Not having you near throws cold water on my dreams. Things aren't as bright anymore. The urge to see you, rises. The need to have you near is making me think of things I possibly couldn't mention.

Would you ever know what I feel without you?

I miss you.

